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Wolfinger, A. B., 'Slavic, Arabic and Islamic Laws': The Relationship of Western and Islamic Law and Traditions at the Nubian and Sudanese Border (1857-1912).'.In Islamic Studies, vol. 13, pp. 133-173. New York/London: Routledge 2011.. Abu Dawud, Vol.14, p. 1003.; Khan, al-Ikhnāfat al-Nawāla (Vol 13, p. 451), also in the book of Ikhnāf-al-Qalamān (vol. 3).. Wolfinger, A. B., 'Slaves and Islamic Slavery: Slavery by Islamic Law and in Contemporary Arabic Thought', in: Islamic Studies, vol. 12, pp. 569-583. New York/London: Routledge 2012. Shortcut Romeo blu-ray 1080p movies

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